1) Hello Sebastian ! Pleasure to talk with you ! How the band goes now ? Tell me your news !
Hello! And likewise! With the band everything goes great! We are currently in the studio recording the new album. As a matter of fact I'm answering your question between the guitar recordings. The recording are so far going very good! Drums and bass, which are already recorded, already sound awesome! The new CD will be a concept album about the Germanic tribe of the Batavians, a tribe that lived for approximately 2000 years ago in the land what we with Heidevolk call our home land. We have no official release date yet, but we are going for early 2012.
2) What Heidevolk means and which is the main theme and inspiration of your lyrics?
Heidevolk means people of the Heathland and it has a double meaning. First of all we have in our homelands one of the biggest heathland nature reservations from Europe. So with Heidevolk we are in fact those people from the heathland. The other meaning is that when christianity came to our lands about 1500 years ago, it settled first in the cities. The people in the countryside that lived on the heathlands (Heide) kept their pagan believes a little bit longer, and from that point on 'Heathen' (Heiden) also got the meaning for a person still hanging on the the old faith. And since with Heidevolk we sing about the old pagan beliefs this meaning fits us as well.
Inspiration we get mainly from the history from our lands. Times when paganism still was the main believe here, folktales, legends, sagas and also nature. We have some big parts of nature right at our doorstep, we love to roam around in there and from there we also get a lot of inspiration.
3) Tell me about your influences!
Our music influences we get from a very broad spectrum of music. Since all of our bandmembers like different kinds of music. Mainly metal though but also folkmusic and old rock. So our influences differ from old school rock to grindcore, from powermetal to folkmusic and I myself am also a big Foo fighters fan as well.
4) Tell me the review of your last album !
The reaction to our last album “uit oude grond” were terrific. We experimented with a louder, heavier and more bombastic sound, which comes closer to our live-sound. We are very happy that our fans reacted on this new sound and for the next album we will try to make an even more heavier sound.
5) Any plans for a new album ?

Concerning the music I can tell you that the new album will be more faster, harder and more metal then our last album. The folk spirit, and the typical Heidevolk choir-vocals are still there of course but the overall sound of the songs are more aggressive.
The drums are recorded in the Abyss Studio in Sweden and the rest will be recorded in the Netherlands, finally the production will be done by Peter Tägtgren – know from productions for Dimmu borgir, Children of Bodom, Overkill and many more.
6) Any plan for concerts this summer ?
Since we are so busy with the new album that we didn't have much time for many shows. But still we have done some good shows and there are some nice ones to come like Party San open air, Burgfolk and Wolfszeit festival.
7) Were people can find your music and information about Heidevolk ?
Music people can find in any CD store, and on our Myspace.
More information can also be found on our website and on our Facebook:

Thank you all! Be sure to check out our new CD when it's out in the beginning of 2012 and I hope to see you all at our liveshows!
Thanks a lot Sebastiaan

Thank you too! Thank you for the interview!
All the best, Sebas!

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