Dmitriy Eliseev (keyboard)
Alexey Godlewskiy (guitar)
Natalya Gladkova (vocal)
Georgiy Tsedov (guitar)
Alexander Lopatin (vocal - growl)
Natalya Gladkova (vocal)
Georgiy Tsedov (guitar)
Alexander Lopatin (vocal - growl)
REGION : Krasnodar,Russia
GENRE : Sympho Folk Metal
LABEL : Stygian Crypt Productions
Talking with Alexey Godlewskiy:
- Hello Alexey . What news from Fferyllt?
Alexey :Hello. Now we are recording the second album which will be more symphonic than folk. The band's staff changed and differs from original one very much. That's why new members take part in recording of the second album. Now our band is looking for a booking agent or a manager for tour organization and promotion.
-Always I was considered about the band's name. Tell me a few things about that!
Alexey : You are nearly the one hundredth who asked about it! As you asked I will tell just a couple of things. On the whole Fferyllt is colletion of magic spells, curses and resipes of ancient druids. It is like a book!
-Wow interesting! How does the band bagun ?
Alexey : The idea of creation belongs to Dmitriy Eliseev aka Diarmaid and it was born in 2003. In the beginning of 2007 I met Dmitriy and we started our common work. And when I found some more musicians such as Yanina Zelenskaya and Alexander Lebedev it was the official day of our band’s birth. It was the 6th of May 2007.
-Have you god any special influences ?
Alexey : We take inspiration from music of such bands as Moonsorrow, Amon Amarth, Svartsot, Tyr, Ensiferum.
-Witch is the main topic of your lyrics ? Your lyrics support the Celtic culture?
Alexey : Celtic culture is not the main theme of our lyrics because celtic ideology refers to only some songs among our lyrics. These are such songs as A Celtic tale (Instrumental), Night of the woodgod, Dance of druids and may be Warriors of Ireland. The rest mostly is connected with ancient northern, Scandinavian mythology.
-What about your records (cd's) and what about your label (Stygian Crypt) ? Have you got good profits?
Alexey : We are pleased that we concluded the contract with Stygian Crypt Production to release the first album. As it is the first release we don’t have good profits, but this label has an opportunity to export our cd all over the world. And Stygian Crypt helped us to find musicians who record live ethnic instruments.
-How difficult is to create a succeed metal band in Russia? There are also a lot of well-known bands up there ?
-How difficult is to create a succeed metal band in Russia? There are also a lot of well-known bands up there ?
Alexey : Actually there are not so many successful metal bands in Russia, especially folk metal bands, at least it is my own opinion. The difficulty in creation of a metal band is that it is hard to find responsible musicians for their music work. And one more problem is the bad support of heavy music in Russia!
-Have you organized any live appearance this year?
Alexey : Yes, 2010 was the richest year of live performances of our band.
-Ok Alexey, I know you are working on a new material with Fferyllt . Tell me a few things about this!
-Ok Alexey, I know you are working on a new material with Fferyllt . Tell me a few things about this!
Alexey : Of course, most ideas belong to our keyboard player (Dmitriy Eliseev). Being one of Fferyllt’s guitarists I participate in creation of guitar parts and I am in charge of all solo parts. I can assure that the second album will have more difficult guitars riffs and it will be more symphonic than the first one.
- Anything you want to say before we end of this?
Alexey : It is a pleasure for us to get a lot of good comments about our music from all over the world. I would like to say thank you to all people who listen to and support us!!! We hope pretty soon to make them happy with our live performances.
You can find Fferyllt material those pages :
Official Site :
Facebook Page :!/pages/Fferyllt-Sympho-Folk-Metal/278082853870
Myspace Page :
Label Page :

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