"Emerald" are :
Michael Vaucher - Guitars
Adriano Troiano - Bass
Thomas Winkler - Vocals
Manuel Werro - Guitars
Al Spicher - Drums
Thomas Vaucher - Keyboards
Adriano Troiano - Bass
Thomas Winkler - Vocals
Manuel Werro - Guitars
Al Spicher - Drums
Thomas Vaucher - Keyboards
Region : Düdingen " CH"
Record : Pure Steel Records
Genre : Heavy Metal
Interview :
1) Hello Thomas! It's an honour for me to talk with you! What are you doing right now? How is the band?
Thank you Paul, I appreciate to do this interview for your blog. I actually was attending your website and can say that it’s great to see such a place on the web as it is a place where things come from the heart – it is true, and so is Metal!

And thanks for asking: EMERALD is doing fine and composing new amazing material for the next album.
2) Tell me about the band's history!
The history of EMERALD starts in the year 1995, when the two local bands DARK CRYSTAL and OPPRESS broke up.
After several line-up changes, the band started the recording sessions for their first album in March 1999. They recorded a full lenght CD entitled "Rebels of our time". The CD contained powerful and melodic metal songs as well as two ballads. The aim was to present the band EMERALD to the metal crowd and to get as many gigs as possible. Very good reviews in international magazines like Rock Hard, Heavy oder was, Metal Heart or Break Out confirmed that EMERALD were on the right track.
After this success EMERALD continued with the song writing for their next album “Calling The Knights" and at this point, the band wouldn’t even dream of the fact that there were two more albums and many tributes to follow until the year of the big break.
In 2009 the band parted ways with Jvo Julmy who was replaced by the new guitarist Manuel Werro and me as the new voice of EMERALD. After only one year, EMERALD then entered the studio to produce their fifth full-length album until today, called “Re-Forged”.

3) Tell me about your influences/inspiration of the lyrics /
The first efforts in writing lyrics by early EMERALD often resulted in true and epic fantasy issues. As time went by, it had come that the sense of EMERALD’s lyrics grow deeper and deeper into more relevant and realistic topics.
By now every band member is involved in writing lyrics that deal with important themes such as the becoming of life, the certainty and facing of death, secular powers and the abuse of religion. Still we got some battle and war centred lyrics too;-)
My personal influences often come from human interest stories. I have a sympathetic ear for a wide diversity of things. I see our world as a treasure with many interesting but yet untold stories inside.
4) What about your record (RE-FORGED) and your record label? Everything goes fine with it?
Yeah, the whole band was really astonished at the fact that EMERALD received outstanding press reactions to the new album and managed to reach the hearts of thousands of metal fans worldwide. Also we’re very pleased that we could feature some great guest musicians as Sean Peck of CAGE and Mike Sifringer of DESTRUCTION. So we’re very motivated to fuel the fire with another album next year, hopefully under the flag of our label Pure Steel Records as they do a great job. But first we want to release the double gate-fold vinyl of Re-Forged next month. At Keep it True you will be able to buy this new gem!

5) Tell me about your live show at the "Up the hammers festival 2011" . What do you believe about the greek epicheads? :-)
Hehe, Athens was a fantastic experience for us as we never played there before. We knew we had some fans there as we received some mails from greek brothers in Metal but we were really wowed by the crowd awaiting us at Up the Hammers. Besides we enjoyed the city as there were many cool metal shops and bars !

6) Are you on tour right now?
In March we had some other great gigs as support of ex Iron Maiden front man Blaze Bayley and White Cross as well as Sacred Warrior. We had the chance to go on tour with Nevermore, Symphony X and Psychotic Waltz this year but had to cancel it due to financial reasons. But still there are some gigs we’re looking forward to this year in Germany and Switzerland. On our website www.emerald.ch you will find out more!
7) Ok Thomas, where can people find your record and information about "Emerald".
You can get all the information you want about EMERALD on our website mentioned above and you can join us on Facebook, Myspace and many other communities.
You can buy the new album on Amazon or just send a Mail to info@emerald.ch to order your copy.

8) Thanks for your time brother! Anything last that you want to say to the fans/readers?
Don’t waste your time with shallow music, so keep your hands off everything that isn’t true and from the heart. But have a sympathetic ear for your brothers and sisters as we are all bound by our music that is a gift from God.
Thanks a lot :-) Have a great day!